A Professional Business Brokerage

davidsonashe was founded in 1996 as an affiliate member of the Business Brokers Network of more than 350 affiliated business intermediaries; business brokerage and consulting firms located across the United States and Canada.

welcome to davidsonashe a professional business brokerage

To buy or sell a business will require the agreement of buyer and seller on a number of issues where motivations will be naturally conflicted, not the least of which will be price.

Of course, some sellers will expect a windfall price for their business and some buyers will be hoping to steal it. Both are unrealistic and improbable unless there exists some compulsion beyond normal motivation or unless someone is caught snoozing. More typically, and more ideally, the seller will want “no less than” fair market value and the buyer will want to pay “no more than” fair market value. These are realistic expectations that turn focus on the question, “what IS fair market value.”

So, we’ll begin our web-site discussion with our definition of the fair market value of a business. Then throughout the web-site, will add to that discussion through explanation, illustration and example, the processes generally surrounding the sale of a business.

fair market value is the amount at which a business will change hands…

  • from a seller who is motivated but not compelled to sell,
  • to a buyer who is motivated but not compelled to buy,
  • under terms and conditions acceptable to both parties,
  • when both have possession and understanding of the relevant facts.

Our objective will be to identify good business acquisition opportunities, identify qualified buyers, identify good buyer/business fit, then through a confidential and controlled process, provide information and/or create opportunity for buyer and seller alike to become knowledgeable of the relevant facts.

In the process, we will typically be instrumental in the valuation of the business and in the development of the business profile containing many of those relevant facts.  Typically as well, we will be involved in the presentation of the business to potential buyers, in the development of the offers to purchase, in the due-diligence process and in the preparation and timing of closing detail.

Throughout this web-site, we will attempt to describe such engagement in detail.

If you think we might be helpful in the valuation and sale of your business or in the acquisition of a business, please Contact Us.

7 Selling Steps

About Us

davidsonashe was founded in 1996 as an affiliate member of the Business Brokers Network of more than 350 affiliated business intermediaries; business brokerage and consulting firms located across the United States and Canada. Locally, we have offices in Langley, BC and Lynden, WA and have been intermediaries instrumental in the sale of companies in northwest Washington and the British Columbia lower mainland since 1996.