Selling the Company is at best, for most owners, a once-in-a-lifetime event. Will this be you? When the right time comes, will you have a strategic plan for the event? Will you know how to calculate the full market value of your Company? Will you know where to find and qualify the right buyer, one willing to pay full market value? Will you be able to find that right buyer without exposing your business to a parade of potential buyers who may be nothing more than lookers?
Buying a Company may NOT be the same once-in-a-lifetime event for the buyer. The buyer may have previously sold a business or may have investigated earlier opportunities, and may be quite knowledgeable about the level of diligence required to reach an informed judgment. To satisfy this level of diligence, an experienced buyer will want a great deal of confidential information that a cautious owner should be reluctant to divulge until satisfied of the buyer’s qualifications and legitimate intent.
Brokering the Sale of a Company requires the mitigation of these naturally conflicting agendas. It requires a disclosure process that provides complete and detailed information about the Company, while ensuring that all such disclosure be accomplished confidentially and in a manner that is non-exposing and non-threatening to the Company or to the seller.
Our process does just that. It begins with a strategic plan designed to provide controlled access to complete and detailed information, presented analytically, and fully justified to full market value. It enables the buyer to determine whether or not the Company fits the buyer’s criterion. At the same time, it allows the broker to qualify and quantify the buyer’s level of interest and other fit considerations, and to determine if and how to move forward with this buyer; all without disclosing information that could identify the seller or the Company.
Pre-diligence and thorough preparation conducted as a third party, enables us to bridge, or broker the conflicting agendas of buyer and seller, and to achieve the desired result without a parade of potential buyers, and without jeopardizing confidentiality.